Package Loading
As mentioned within the Learning Material & Getting Started section, install and load the following function(s).
During this session, we will not be using any additional data, rather only using those data sets available through the tidyverse.
Section 1: Rmarkdown Basics
Exercise 1: Open a new R markdown document, either pdf or html, and load the tidyverse & rmarkdown libraries into the presentation
Exercise 2: Load the data set msleep
, from the tidyverse package using a code chunk and print the first 10 rows as a head
Section 2: Specifying Metadata
Exercise 3: In the metadata, specify a relevant, title, output type, date, author and email
Exercise 4: In the metadata, relevant to your output type, table of contents, section numbers and dataframe display
Section 3: Code & Script in Documents
Exercise 5: Developing the code chunk from Exercise 2, display a summary of columns 3 to 8 of the msleep data
Exercise 6: Create a new code chunk, and produce a scatter plot between brain weight and body weight, which does not print the code in the final document
Section 4: Equations & Citation in Documents
Exercise 7: Write the quadratic equation using LaTeX
Exercise 8: Create a BibTeX database, and write a text passage which includes these references
Section 5: Exporting Presentations
Exercise 9: Export the document into the relevant format (pdf or html).